health & beauty

A few thoughts on the concept of stagnation.

As skin care professionals, we are usually interested in the topic of stagnation as it relates to tissue congestion and toxicity. Stagnation, or lack of proper flow, is often the cause of deterioration, premature aging and all sorts of skin/facial tissue problems. So in our product formulation and facial treatment applications, we are always searching for ways to bring more flow and more aliveness to the skin and tissues which support it.

However today,  I want to focus on a different type of stagnation - the stagnation in one’s skin care practice, when you end up doing the same thing, the same way every single day without giving it any thought. 

The most undesirable aspect of a stagnant skin care practice is that it lacks presence and has become purely mechanical. You sort of become like a robot… going through the motions every time you do it. Sadly, even the nicest organic skin care products on the planet will not makeup for your disconnect. 

Since living on automatic pilot is not the most joyous, engaging or present way to be, your skin care practice may be one way to help you snap out of it and improve your skin health at the same time.

Sure, having a set skin care practice can feel desirable. It can feel like it is well-planned, well-organized and fits perfectly into our schedule. It may also feel good because it doesn’t require additional thinking. You can just do it and be done with it.

But we are a living, breathing being which is dynamic in nature. Our sophisticated physical system constantly adjusts and fine tunes in relation to the environment we are in, our emotional and mental state, the food that we eat and so on. It continuously communicates, letting us know how we are doing. And it sends us messages when our attention is needed.  A message may look something like this: your skin suddenly looks and feels irritated, your skin feels way more tight today, a painful pimple on my chin yet again, the product I just applied didn’t feel right, the area around my eyes looks unusually dehydrated.

If you have mastered the automatic pilot motion in your skin care practice, you may not notice any of the messaging until these become chronic issues and even then it takes a while for some to notice. 

In my 25+ years of practice, I have met many wonderful women who were completely unaware that their skin was inflamed and very red. It was puzzling for me how could a person not realize that their skin was on fire? But I know now that all of us have our blind spots and what is obvious to others may be totally out of our peripheral. 

I am not asking you for some elaborate new way to go about your skin care. Simply observe, feel and admire regularly:) When you notice a new skin behaviour, adjust your routine. Maybe a little more of this and a little less of that is all that’s needed. Or maybe you need to cut that red wine out. Or maybe it’s your job…

In the world of smart phones, smart cities and supposed connection to everything and everyone, we find ourselves the least connected to what matters most - our true selves. Asking ourselves to be fully present for 5min every night while we tend to our skin, sounds weirdly demanding and difficult.

We have strayed so far away from ourselves, so probably baby steps are the way back. Are you willing to commit to 5 minutes of full presence while you take care of your skin each night? 

Magdalena xo

Why you want to eat organic food and drink purified water.

The saying goes: the fish is as healthy as the water it swims in. We have difficulty transferring the essence of this fundamental wisdom of nature to our experience of life.


I can share with you that in my own life, over the years, I have been often referred to as granola, overly sensitive, paranoid…  by people that I know or even by my own family members for my choice to eat organic vegetarian food and for purifying my water before drinking it. To tell the truth at times I felt lonely in my pursuit and during my visits with family both in Poland and in Canada I felt pressured (by well meaning people) to step off the path and join the party. There were times when I gave in and there were times when I stood strong.

Today, as a mature human I no longer succumb to outside pressures and I just do my thing. A good water filter stands in my kitchen and I use only filtered water for both drinking and cooking and I shop for my food at the health food store and from local organic farmers in season.

Yes, it is expensive if I compare my grocery bill to a potential grocery bill from Walmart or Costco but when we look at it closely it may be not so.

Let’s go back to the fish and its health depending on the health of the water it swims in. No person in their right mind would argue this! So why are we so bent on defending pesticide and herbicide sprayed food and why are we willing to ingest it and feed it to our children? Seriously, why?

Corporate agriculture has removed the human and human health from nature’s web of support which it readily provides. 

Monoculture and fields of soy, corn… are not the natural way life grows in the soil of this planet that we call home. This in itself creates major problems for our health and future food supply. 

Diversity is key in creating a healthy environment. Naturally a multitude of plant varieties choose to live close together for mutual support and vitality and at the same they attract other creatures of nature to commune with them. This is when life flourishes!

Lack of diversity spells trouble from the get go. Monoculture introduced by corporate agriculture is destroying our world. Literally! Because growing the same individual plant on the same piece of land year after year is completely unnatural. Problems with pests and unwanted weeds follow. As a remedy toxic pesticides and herbicides are used on crops which then permeate the soil and enter and poison our water systems. And of course genetically modified seeds are created in the lab so they can resist and survive all the poison that is sprayed on them.

Genetically modifying seed is so prevalent today that even some organic foods come from the GMO seed.

The assault of corporate agriculture (and it is an assault) on our soil and food results in a completely depleted soil, void of vital micro-elements and micro-nutrients, nutrient-void food and general destruction of life supporting ecosystems. Our soil, water and air have been poisoned to the degree where we can no longer escape from it and our bodies and minds are feeling it. We have now become like that fish that lives in a very unhealthy water. 

This is a very sad state of affairs for humanity and for those of us who honour the sanctity of nature’s creation and design and believe in human life as an integral part of nature. 

I can tell you that at times I feel a complete lack of hope. But then I look at all the young people: I look at my daughter and her baby and I get energized to act and to know that I can never give up.


So what can we do to transform this mess into a thriving, health-supporting, loving planet again?


  • Stop shopping for convenience and instead shop for a better future.

  • Buy food from organic growers. Because it offers high nutritional value, you will need less. Organic growers work hard, understand and support biodiversity. They are the true keepers of healthy soil, healthy plants and healthy humans.

  • Shop local as much as you can. Small organic growers in your area need your support. The more we buy, the more they grow and hopefully organic food one day can become accessible to everyone.

  • Never waste food. Compost what you can and feed your garden soil or your potted plants with it.

  • Filter your water before you drink or cook with it.

  • If possible put a filtration system on your home water (I am still working on it)

  • Don’t waste water. Use a cup of water to brush your teeth… don’t let the tap run like crazy while you do it.

  • Don’t spray your lawn for God’s sake! It makes your grass ‘perfect’ but it’s poison.

  • Read, educate yourself and find likeminded people. Always stronger together:)

  • Talk to plants:) Hug trees:)

  • Always remember that how you choose to live actually makes a difference.


Look, these are simple suggestions and I know that my explanations are also simplistic but I trust that you’ll get it.

If you are interested to deepen your knowledge on this subject you can find tons of info online.

I believe that this is a very urgent matter. As we are seeing government and corporate consolidation taking place right in front of our eyes, one thing becomes clear - we are on our own! People in power are looking out for other people in power. Corporate greed rules and the well-being of humanity is at the bottom of the list. If you think that what I’m saying is nonsense please take a moment and explain to me why our governing bodies support the use of glyphosate in our food growing practices and forestry? Even though Monsanto (now Bayer) have been ordered by courts to pay out billions for causing cancer, Health Canada still says that it is ok to use it. 

If this doesn’t speak to you, then I wish you good luck. You are a free being after all.

For those of us who see what’s taking place, we’ve got lots of work to do people. Don’t just sit and watch. Do whatever you can!  You are more powerful than you know!

Few Resources For Ottawa Area

Certified Organic Farms in Ottawa

Bryson Farms

Funny Duck Farms

Ferme Chapeau Melon

Ferme Lève-tôt

Juniper Farm

Roots and Shoots Farm

Ferme Aux Pleines Saveurs

Our Little Farm

Bluegrass Farm

Fair Sun Farm

Pleine Lune Farm

Roam Flora

Roam Flora grows beautiful flowers without harmful chemicals.

People who inspire me

Dr. Vandana Shiva - an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate.

Dr. Zach Bush - a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems.

Water Filter

Berkey Water


Love and Light,


Bathing and what you need to know about it.

I love bathing! Nothing feels as good as a nice warm bath on a cold winter’s night. If you live in Canada, you know exactly what I mean. Winter gets cold, dark and long and soaking in a tub filled with warm water is a great thing to do at the end of the day.


A cup of Epsom salts, a few drops of your favourite essential oil, maybe a good book in your hand and you can hang out in your tub all night long until your hands and feet start shriveling like prunes. I know,  because I’ve done this many times. It feels amazing to experience this relaxation and stress relief that a  tub full of water provides. And sleep always comes easily after a good soak. But if you are like me and love bathing, there are a few important things to consider before you jump into your tub next time.

Number one is the quality of your water. Why? Because while you are enjoying a lovely warm bath, your body becomes like a sponge and soaks up all the good and the ugly from your water.  And this is when chlorine immediately comes to mind.

The city uses chlorine in our water to prevent disease. Chlorine is a  very effective disinfectant, which kills disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs. At the same time, chlorine is very problematic for our health and it’s a nightmare for our skin. An irritant with carcinogenic properties, chlorine is known to cause anything from skin rashes,  respiratory problems, and cancer. It is terrible for our skin and gut microflora which is essential to our health. It may also be surprising to learn that we absorb more chlorine by soaking in a tub than by drinking chlorinated water. It is actually more problematic to our health to absorb chlorine through the skin because while you bathe, chlorine gets directly into your bloodstream bypassing the initial filtration normally done by the liver when we ingest chlorinated water.

Related Post: Your Shower Is A Major Water Hog, Here’s How To Green Your Bathroom

Hot bath water opens skin pores making it easy for chlorine to be absorbed. Inhaling the steam from hot chlorinated water is also dangerous and may cause many respiratory conditions including asthma.

Number two is water sustainability. We are not the only ones on this planet.  We are so frivolous with our water! But water is sacred and should be treated as such. It takes about twenty to twenty-five gallons of water to take a very modest bath and it will take about the same amount of water to take a longer shower.  If you have a big soaker tub,
now we are talking more like 60 gallons. Hopefully, your showers are quick and you are using an eco shower head to preserve your water consumption. And hopefully, you don’t bathe in 60 gallons of water ever!

This is a very serious issue. Saving water is very important for more sustainable consumption of the planet’s resources. Having access to such basic service as drinking water comes without any effort to us but it is important to remember that 783 million people still do not have such access. So don’t ever use more than you truly need!

So in light of this information, should we give up taking a bath altogether?

The answer is no but we must do it way less and in a more mindful way. Start thinking of your bathing as special ritual, a time to cleanse and rest deeply.  Acknowledge that it is a privilege to have access to clean water.  This will become so much more than a simple soak.

Most of us don’t have a filtration system in our house and we must address the
chlorine situation.

There are easy ways to remove chlorine from our bath water through chemical neutralization.

There are several chemical compounds which can remove chlorine from the water. Sodium acorbate powder (a form of vitamin C) is a good solution since it’s easy to obtain and easy to use. You will need to add 1/4 tsp (or 1000 mg) of Sodium Ascorbate into your bath water about 5 minutes prior to bathing, giving it enough time to neutralize chlorine. Sodium Ascorbate will neutralize chloramine, which is also used to treat water and is even more dangerous than chlorine. A Canadian company Santevia makes bath filters which are made with vitamin C and are very easy to use.

Once your water is clear of chlorine and chloramine you can enhance your bath with additional ingredients for beautifying or medicinal purposes.

Adding Epsom salts will up the relaxation effect of your bath and will help to relieve soreness from your muscles.

I love adding oils to the bath, both lipid oils, and essential oils.

1 Tbsp of almond oil with a few drops of genuine lavender essential oil will leave you with lovely soft skin and ready for a deep restful sleep.

Adding oat flakes to the bath water will soothe irritated skin, any itchy rash, sunburn, dry skin, or eczema.  That’s why we run an oat bath for children suffering from chickenpox.
Place a cup of organic oat flakes in a cheese or cotton cloth and tie it with a string.  Throw it in your tub and run just hot water at first so the oat flakes will soften and make their anti-inflammatory properties available.

You can also make an herbal infusion (it’s like a strong herbal tea) with your favourite herbs and add it to your bath water. I love calendula, chamomile or mint.

Soak it up!

There is another important aspect of bathing. If you bathe mindfully it is no longer only about removing dirt from your skin.  It can be a ritual of removing and cleansing of all which does not belong to you anymore. You can mentally let go of unpleasant experiences from your day and release all that weighs you down. It is a simple yet deeply freeing practice which is greatly supported by the healing aspect of water.

Baths can be taken at night and in the morning. Night baths are usually used for relief of nervous and mental tension. They are a relaxation-inducing practice. These baths should last fifteen to twenty minutes. Morning baths are a tonic or a stimulating practice. They are best taken cooler than your night baths and ten minutes will do.

After a bath when your skin is warm and pores are open, it is a great time to apply skin healing oils. In general almond and jojoba are great choices for most. There are many lovely body oils on the market to choose from.

Finally, I want to give you one more suggestion. On a cold winter’s night when your body is chilled and you feel like you can’t warm up, treat yourself to a warm foot bath.

Neutralize the chlorine first with a tiny bit of Sodium Ascorbate. Throw some salts in and maybe add a few drops of sage or eucalyptus essential oil. Immerse your feet in the water and enjoy. You may find that this is as warming as a big tub full of water.

This is an article which I have written for The Eco Hub. You can find it HERE

We carry a simple water filter for your bathing. You can check it HERE

k it Magdalena

Nourished in Nature | a day retreat in the country

Join Magdalena, Susie and Anne for our beautiful Nourished in Nature | a day retreat in the country.

We invite you to an experience in nature, surrounded by native plants, bees, butterflies and the intoxicating scent of Summer.

retreat:image .jpg

This will be a day of reconnecting with our environment, ourselves and the beauty of it all, paying a visit to plants (some are the stars in Woman Divine products and treatments), sharing the purest, the freshest and most delicious meal and playing alchemists as we make skin healing products together. All in the company of beautiful women on the enchanted land of Susie Osler in Lanark County, just outside of Perth, ON. This one is not to be missed! 

A little bit about Susie, her land, art and her offering at the retreat:

For over 15 years, Susie has inhabited a pocket of Lanark County now called Wildwood Farm where she revels daily in the magic and beauty of the world around her. This feeds and inspires her creative life.  She is an artist, gardener, and event organizer who enjoys sharing Wildwood Farm with others with the intention of connecting people, nature and creativity. Susie will guide you on a short 'sensual' tour of her gardens where she will encourage you to open your senses to the space around you.  Bring your eyes, ears, nose and skin with you, as well as a journal and something to write or draw with if you are inclined.

A little bit about Anne, our lunch and the vibrant food she grows on the Creek'n Tree Farm:

Every dish is created with what’s flourishing and delicious in the fields and forest at the time. We make maple syrup, grow shiitake mushrooms and all kinds of native plants and flowers as well as a wide variety of annual vegetables. All is tended to carefully from the time we tap or plant the seed through to the day of harvest. Lunch will be light, fresh and simple.  Our land is abundant with natural beauty. We work each day in awe, gratitude and respect of it and are happy to share it’s goodness with you so you too can feel nourished by nature.

A little bit about Magdalena and her part in the retreat: 

I have a deep love for plants, healing and beauty. I continuously seek harmony both in my life and in my work. I strive to live consciously and with presence. Woman Divine Skin Care Studio and Botanical Skin Care Products are my expression of heart felt desire to nurture, to serve others and to do so with Nature’s support. I will be sharing with you my knowledge about holistic beauty, skin healing plants and will also guide you in your own experiment of plant based product making. This retreat has been a dream of mine for a long time. I am very grateful to Anne and Susie for agreeing to create this event with me and for sharing their beautiful energy with us. 

Register for Nourished in Nature here:

 Thank you and hope to see you there:)



How communism benefits your looks:)

Whenever I go to Poland I  try to find an interesting course to take there. Big chunk of my face massage training comes from Poland and Polish teachers. I was just chatting with someone about this explaining that Eastern Europe has a lot to offer in the area of face massage techniques. This is the case when something great comes out of something challenging. Since Eastern Europe was at one point very behind in matters of technology  (the consequence of communism) people developed amazing skills with their hands:) 


Massage was always part of healthcare. And I remember that most common health clinics had a massage therapist on staff and doctors would prescribe massage to their patients regularly. A long standing tradition of manual therapies is definitely still very alive in my homeland.

I want to tell you about  the course which I have taken during my last visit.

After all this talk about Eastern European training lol, this one actually originated in Denmark and was created by a wonderful lady, Lone Sorensen. Her organization is very strong in Warsaw and she has two excellent and very devoted teachers offering training in Poland. 

Lone has put together facial reflexology protocols which address both health and beauty. It is a technique based on the neuro-bio-chemical action resulting from the stimulation of an area or point on the face which has a general or partial effect on various areas of the entire body. Facial Reflex therapy is based on seven steps that involve the observation and stimulation of various facial areas.

Lone and practitioners trained with her method do some amazing work around the world. This technique proves very effective in treating all sorts of neurological problems, developmental problems in children, autism, after stroke complications, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, vision problems…. the list goes on. All of this happens through work with your face. It’s pretty amazing! 

What Lone Sorensen observed over the years was that as she worked with the face to improve people’s health the ‘side effect’ of improved skin tone, diminishing of wrinkles and general lifting of the face eventually took place. 

She then developed a protocol for beauty purposes, which also harmonizes body systems. The treatment is complex because all body functions are stimulated and also regulated while facial skin, tissue and muscle are treated. It normalizes the body dysfunctions, which may be the cause of wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of muscle tone, etc.

This is the protocol which I have learned. I believe at this time I am the only one in Ottawa certified in this particular technique. 

I will be continuing the training with Lone Sorensen systems because I trust it offers another dimension to my facial treatments and will ultimately bring more benefit to you, both health and beauty wise:)

Next time you visit, you may notice some new moves in your face massage:) If you are interested to explore this technique with me I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

I am on a continuous search for beauty through improved health of both body and mind. Will keep on learning...  Thank you for reading!

Love, Magdalena