artisan skin care Ottawa

Sowing seeds.

It is this time of the year again! A couple of weeks ago I received an email from the wonderful Anne who grows healing plants for our WD formulas. Every year around this time, Anne wants to know what to plant and how much to plant for WD for the year. It takes a lot of planning on her part to deliver what WD needs. And it’s not that easy to plan because weather changes and every growing season is a little different. For example some years calendula grows in abundance and other years it is too dry and flowers are scarce. So it is a bit of a guessing game.

Anne in her element

It also is a guessing game for WD. How much product will we need to provide for our clients this year, determines how much plant material we need to purchase. Will we expand in the coming year or will we slow down is the question. We can try to project but with today’s economic situation, it gets very tricky.

So every season, I say a prayer and ask for only that which will be needed. 

I never want to order too much, because dry plants do diminish both in life force and their effectiveness as time passes. I also don’t want to waste any. And if I order too little, there is no going back. Whatever is planted is planted and there is no more even if we run out.

Working directly with the grower certainly has a lot of nuances. We could have opted for buying plant material from big suppliers. It’s much easier for sure! We could order whenever we want, and if we want more, there is always more. It is also a lot cheaper. Like three times plus cheaper. So why not do it the easy way?


When you see dehydrated plant material from plants grown by Anne and those purchased from a large scale supplier, no explanation is really needed.

plants grown by Anne

Anne’s plants are full of vibrant colour and aroma and are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Intense colours and scents, are the testament to their vitality. 

Most of the plants from big suppliers look pale and tired as if life was completely drained from them. And it actually did! 

When I purchase plants from Anne, I am 100% sure that I am provided with this year’s harvest. Anne tends to the soil, nourishes it and prepares it for each growing season. She is devoted to the science of organic and biodynamic growing and continuously expands her knowledge.

With large suppliers, I actually would never know. Corporate organic farming, often happens in old mechanistic ways. Nothing to do with the connection to the earth, caring and wellbeing. There is a demand, therefore it is profitable, therefore it exists. 

During summer months, I can drop by Anne’s farm and I can visit with the plants as they are growing. This in itself is an incredible gift to a skin care maker. Witness what becomes my formulas while still in the ground is a wonderful mind trip:) 

Did you know that WD receives fresh plant material from the farm the same day it was harvested? We rush most of it into the dehydrator to preserve its healing qualities using a very low heat process. When dehydration is complete, some plants are infused in oil and some are carefully stored for later use. Plants which need to be infused fresh, like St John’s Wort, are immediately placed in jars and covered with oil. 

Plants infused in oils are called herbal extracts and they are the foundation for WD skin care formulas.

herbal extracts in the making


I consciously want to support small producers like Anne and I am forever grateful for the support she provides to me and WD! It is an exchange not only of $ and product but a conscious exchange of energy in a pursuit of creating a more beautiful world for all of us.

I know Anne the human, and I know that she is a kind, caring person who loves feeling connected to the land and the plants. She excels at providing an incredible service to the local community by offering healing herbs, food from her gardens and the best maple syrup I have ever tasted. I want more of what Anne does in our lives! And my products are certainly better thanks to her efforts.

Supporting local has never been more important than today. I believe that in the coming years we will need to rely more and more on local growers, farmers and makers. Hopefully we will learn and understand that small organic growers are at the base of our wellbeing. Those who produce organic food and herbs in tune with nature are essential to our health. 

As a small grassroots beauty company, it is WD’s goal to support our local community through providing the healthiest, most effective and accessible skin care products directly to our clients.

We also feel that products created with local plants are best suited for the local skin care. 

Over the years we have been asked to sell our products in the US and in Europe. Even though it would assure an expansion and more sales, I refused. You may call me not business savvy but I have a very strong conviction in hyper-local service and although very important, $ is not a driving force for WD.

We have been also asked to wholesale WD products, and I refused that too:) Our price point is such that it has a modest markup so we can make a living:) and at the same time it makes our products accessible to everyday women.

If we would expand to the wholesale market then our price would have to double (or more) in order to make it feasible for us and for everyone else who would be providing our products. We would either have to drastically raise prices or downgrade to low-quality, cheap, raw ingredients. We will do neither:)

How can we ever make a shift to a healthier life for all, if high quality organic skin care and food is accessible only to high income earners? Not a chance! So this is how we choose to contribute to our local community.

Then in return you purchase WD skin care products and not only feed your skin with amazing quality ‘skin food’ but you also support a small business like mine and indirectly Anne’s as well.  And in this simple way together we create a beautiful circle of exchange of wellbeing, beauty, healing energy, care and yes money. I trust this is the way forward and this is how together we sow the seeds for a new purposeful and expanded way of life.

Love & Light,

Magdalena xo

Helichrysum in Skin Care

If I had to choose only one essential oil to work with for skin care purposes, hands down Helichrysum italicum would be the one. It is a powerful essential oil with an array of skin health benefits.


I have just written an article about Helichrysum itallicum (Imortelle) for The School of Aromatic Studies and you can read it HERE.

If you’d like to experience the action of Helichrysum italicum in skin care, I invite you to try WD Night with Imortelle. Is a beautiful night serum that deeply nourishes, restores and regenerates your skin while you sleep:) It contains both Helichrysum italicum essential oil and Helichrysum microphyllum herbal extract in the rich blend of plant ingredients.

I hope that you will enjoy my article and the Night with Imortelle Serum:)

Love and light,

Magdalena xo

Jatamansi and Woman Divine Body Balm.


I would like to tell you a little bit about one of the ingredients in Woman Divine Body Balm | cardamom + rose.
This is a beautiful balm with a wonderful texture and a luxurious scent profile. Many clients love it especially during winter months as it provides effective nourishment for dry skin and and its aroma brings comfort.

At the end of its ingredient list you’ll find a very special essential oil. I added only a tiny bit of Jatamansi to complete this formula because it’s very potent.

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) has a very special effect on the nervous system, supporting those experiencing insomnia, anxiety, an over-active mind, mental fatigue, depression, panic disorders… it’s generally grounding and calming. And it is said to be one of the most important herbal medicines to help with the healing of grief.

I felt that it was a perfect addition to rose, cardamom and yang-ylang which along with an amazing effect on the skin, also lend their gentle nervous system healing properties to this body focused formula.

Jatamansi usually grows at an altitude of 3000–5000 meters. It can be found in Nepal, India and China. I favour the oil coming from Nepal:)

Pure essential oil of Jatamansi has a very strong aroma. Since it comes from the valerianacea family, we can’t really refer to its aroma as pretty:). Instead it offers a scent of the earth found in the high altitude forests of Nepal.
Jatamansi, also known as Spikenard, has a long history of use for spiritual purposes and until today it is used in religious ceremonies. Ayurveda also uses Jatamansi to improve skin complexion. .
We are grateful to Jatamasi for enriching our Body Balm | cardamom + rose on so many levels❤️

Why Woman Divine Skin Care products?

Few days ago I got to read a blog post by Girl Crush a Toronto based beauty blog. It made me supper happy because it features one of my lovely clients Caitiln and she shares why she choses to use Woman Divine Skin Care products. I am so fortunate to work with women who totally get what I do! I am grateful for each and everyone of you!

Here goes the post by Gillian Barker of Girl Crush




 “Skincare! Makeup is second for me. I prefer not to wear a ton of makeup, so I would say my time, money and effort is on the skincare side, because if I can get through my day and feel confident without makeup then you know… that’s the dream!”


“I’m someone who suffered from mild acne as a teen and all through my university years… I had tried Proactive and that dried out my skin until it was like a desert, it was painful!”

Caitlin explains that after graduating from university she found that she had the time and money to invest in herself and her skin. She stumbled upon a facial therapist through a recommendation on social media, and has never looked back. She says, “It was like this was fate, we were supposed to meet!”

“I completely switched my routine! What was probably 10 different steps, where I had no idea what I was doing - I was using everything under the sun hoping it would somehow give me great skin”. Now Caitlin has a much more focused and simplified skincare routine that utilizes apothecary products from a local skincare line that her facial therapist created - called Woman Divine.

Read the full post HERE

My very first podcast:)

Rudie Jay is the beautiful vibrant human behind THE PURSUIT Your Guide To Happy, Healthy Living PODCAST.
Rudie invited me to be a guest on her podcast. Since this was my very first podcast experience, I was a little nervous, but Rudie is a natural and makes her guest feel right at home😀We chatted, skin care, products, local business, and my skin-therapy journey.

Much gratitude to Rudie Jay for helping me spread the word about holistic skin care❤️

I hope that you will enjoy listening,

Magdalena xo

Woman Divine Ritual

This collection is super close to my ❤️
The Woman Divine Ritual Collection was created as a legacy for my daughter Carollyne with the most precious ingredients. I crafted the collection as a wedding gift to her in the hope of helping her develop a strong connection to self and as an invitation to the inner journey of seeking the source of joy, peace and contentment.
I have often wished that someone had taught me years back that only by tending daily to our personal needs of mind, body and spirit, can we give freely to others and live a vibrant, clear life.
Each product in this collection has a meaning, a mindful purpose if you will. A beautiful affirmation has been created to amplify its action - all to help you develop a ritual, a self-loving practice, enhancing your life and your relationship with yourself and others.
May you embrace the power of Woman Divine which resides within you. May you draw upon strength of women who came before you and become a living example to those who will come after you.


Rose Petal and Milk Bath
I wash the day away. Every night before I go to sleep, I let go of all which no longer belongs with me. I float free in the cleansing water, sprinkled with rose and milk. My skin, my muscles, my entire body feels light and clear and my heart is soft - filled with gratitude. I feel pure, clear and light.
Precious Flowers Body Oil
I remember who I really am. Every morning, I anoint myself with oil to remember that I am an auspicious being. As I nourish my skin and awaken my body, I remember that I am worthy and good. I am already everything that I am seeking.
Meditation Drops
I sit in stillness. Every day I consciously sit in stillness. Silence emerges when tension, conflict and struggle fall away. I find myself listening to the sound of silence.
Breath Salts
I breathe in the moment. Whenever life is spinning a little bit too fast, I pause for a few seconds to observe the flow of my breath. When I own my breath, nobody can steal my peace.

May you live with mindful presence and find beauty in simplicity,
Magdalena .