How to make nut milk.

You may not know this but I have completed a holistic nutrition program back in the nineties.

Nutrition has always been a fundamental part of how I understand skin health. That’s why my clients always hear me talk about the importance of improving their diets.

I know that there are many different opinions on eating dairy products. But one thing for sure is that in some cases, today’s grocery store purchased dairy causes systemic havoc and often expresses itself through skin symptoms like dermatitis, acne or eczema.


Personally I have had my own share of dairy related issues and my baby girl was born with eczema behind her tiny ears. This prompted me to explore NUT MILK MAKING. I was in search of a nutritious drink for my family which would replace cow’s milk.

I know that you can buy a selection of nut milks in the store but I feel that nothing compares to making your own fresh and exactly the way you want it.

Nut milks are nutritionally amazing and packed with protein, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. On top of that, when you make your own you can enhance it nutritionally with other natural foods like cocoa, carob powder, dry or fresh fruit. You can also flavour it with a drizzle of maple syrup, raw honey or vanilla.

If you want to go even more fancy you can fortify your nut milk with flaxseed, bee pollen, slippery elm or carob powder. The possibilities are limitless:)

The most exciting part of making your own NUT MILKS is that you will know exactly what you are feeding your body, you can create the most delicious drinks, and you will literally take your health in your own hands.

When we prepare our food from scratch we develop a deeper connection with and a deeper gratitude for how the earth sustains our life.


What you need to know before you set out to make your milk is that nuts and seeds can go rancid and it is very important to make sure that yours are fresh and organic. Rancid oil within the nuts or seeds is very unhealthy and you will know right away when you bite into the nuts. Rancid will taste awful and bitter.

I always taste the nuts and seeds before I buy them and I always buy bulk. I know that we are not supposed to do this in the store but organic nuts can be very pricy so I give myself permission to do the tasting. Thus far, I never got caught:) I buy mine in the health food store and I usually store them in a mason jar in the fridge.

To make your nut milk you will need: nuts, purified water, a nut milk bag (you will find it at the health food store) and a good blender. I love the Vitamix and have been using one for the past 30 years.

I have many recipes that I like but a simple single nut milk is always a great way to start. I like to use raw almonds, pecans, cashews or walnuts.


1. Place 1 cup of your favourite nuts in a glass container. Cover with purified water and soak overnight or for 8 hours.


2. When ready, rinse the nuts, transfer to a blender and add four cups of purified water.


3. Blend:)


4. Line a glass container or a jar with a nut milk bag and strain the content of your blender. Make sure to squeeze every drop.


5. I like to store my nut milks in mason jars. Refrigerated it will keep for 3-4 days.

You can drink your nut milk cold or hot. Add it to your oatmeal, or smoothie in the morning. You can fortify it with fruit and honey or maple syrup to create lovely sweet tasting dessert-like drinks. Or you can mix nuts with seeds for a nutritionally rich drink.

Nuts are a concentrated source of protein, unsaturated fat, B complex vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and copper.

Seeds are rich in protein, contain B complex vitamins, vitamin A,D,E, phosphorous, calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, zinc, unsaturated fatty acids. Sesame seeds are especially high in calcium.


1 cup of almond milk

1/2 ripe banana

a drizzle of maple syrup

1/4 tsp vanilla extract




1 cup hot almond milk

1 tsp carob powder

1 tsp cocoa powder

a drizzle of maple syrup or honey

1/4 tsp vanilla extract



Let your creative spirit go and make lots of delicious nut milk recipes. Your body and your skin will thank you!

Since we are on the topic of finding alternatives to cows milk products, I thought that I’ll share with you about my absolutely favourite nut cheese company. To tell you the truth, I didn’t really like nut cheese until I found the Quebec based VEGNATURE. Their fermented cashew cheese is excellent and very delicious!


I hope that you enjoyed this post. HAPPY NUT MILK MAKING TO YOU!