Saying goodbye to 363 Churchill.

Big thank you to our local artist Victoria Dark @victoriadark_illustrations for her talent and for creating this precious piece of art! I will always keep it dear to my heart

Big thank you to our local artist Victoria Dark @victoriadark_illustrations for her talent and for creating this precious piece of art! I will always keep it dear to my heart

On June 30th we said goodbye to our beautiful little studio at 363 Churchill.

This certainly is not what we’ve planned when we first got our little building in Westboro. We truly felt that it was going to be a forever home for WD Skin Care. And we loved our bright and peaceful space very very much! But hey, life is full of surprises as we’ve been learning over the past fifteen months.

Since it’s been fifteen months straight that we’re unable to see our clients in person, after much consideration and many tears we’ve decided to go with the flow, practice non-attachment and transition. Not an easy decision but it feels like a good one.

We’ll of course continue with our consultations and product formulating and we have a few new products on the horizon:) So nothing will change in that aspect of our offerings.

Our treatments however will begin only when there are no more lockdowns and we can open for good. We hope that this will happen in not too long because we miss you very much!

Like for every small business in Ontario, this past fifteen months has been challenging in so many ways. And it’s no longer sustainable to keep on waiting and hoping that we can open soon.

When there will be clarity and we’ll get a green light, we’ll set up the most beautiful space to welcome you back to our treatments again.

For now we will be moving into a transitional space (a minute away from where we are) which will allow us to continue with our skin care formulation and production.

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continuous support and loving messages that you send us.
We could not be here without you! Since we never qualified for any government support, it is 100% thanks to you, that we are in business. We are looking forward to growing in new ways and bringing more meaning, more beauty and more health into your life!
Magdalena xo