Jatamansi and Woman Divine Body Balm.


I would like to tell you a little bit about one of the ingredients in Woman Divine Body Balm | cardamom + rose.
This is a beautiful balm with a wonderful texture and a luxurious scent profile. Many clients love it especially during winter months as it provides effective nourishment for dry skin and and its aroma brings comfort.

At the end of its ingredient list you’ll find a very special essential oil. I added only a tiny bit of Jatamansi to complete this formula because it’s very potent.

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) has a very special effect on the nervous system, supporting those experiencing insomnia, anxiety, an over-active mind, mental fatigue, depression, panic disorders… it’s generally grounding and calming. And it is said to be one of the most important herbal medicines to help with the healing of grief.

I felt that it was a perfect addition to rose, cardamom and yang-ylang which along with an amazing effect on the skin, also lend their gentle nervous system healing properties to this body focused formula.

Jatamansi usually grows at an altitude of 3000–5000 meters. It can be found in Nepal, India and China. I favour the oil coming from Nepal:)

Pure essential oil of Jatamansi has a very strong aroma. Since it comes from the valerianacea family, we can’t really refer to its aroma as pretty:). Instead it offers a scent of the earth found in the high altitude forests of Nepal.
Jatamansi, also known as Spikenard, has a long history of use for spiritual purposes and until today it is used in religious ceremonies. Ayurveda also uses Jatamansi to improve skin complexion. .
We are grateful to Jatamasi for enriching our Body Balm | cardamom + rose on so many levels❤️