It begins with intention.

I think that everything that we do repeatedly and on a daily basis is worth looking at and reassessing from time to time. And this includes your skin care practice. 

There are physical aspects of skin care worth reassessing every once in a while, like: 

  1. How does my skin look and feel? Is it healthy?

  2. Do I enjoy using my current skin care products? And do I feel that they work for me?

  3. Do I have any new skin health concerns? If so, do I need support to address them or do I know exactly what to do?

  4. Am I devoting enough time to care for myself?

  5. Is there any room for improvement?

But there also are emotional aspects to our skin care practice and I would argue that they are actually more important than physical care.

Is the intention behind what you apply, why and how you apply, a conscious one? Or are you simply moving through the motions every morning and every night?  Is your practice self-loving, is it self-loathing or is it disconnected and robot-like?

These are simple questions that you may want to ask yourself. Being present and observing your self-talk while you go about your skin care routine or when you are wanting to purchase more or new skin care products is important. And it is the first step to overcoming potential self-destructive perceptions and becoming loving towards yourself.

I hope that we would all agree that intention behind whatever we do in life is very important. For example, giving generously to a charity because you wholeheartedly want to help fellow humans carries a very different energy from giving to a charity for the pure purpose of gaining respect and importance within the community. Exercising because you don’t want to be fat carries a very different energy from exercising because you want to be the healthiest you can be.

It is very much the same with skin care. If you buy and apply your products because you hate your skin, or are scared of getting older, you’ll probably keep on hating your skin and you’ll not only see it getting old but you’ll start feeling old.

If instead you chose to make a conscious decision to purchase and apply skin care products to add vibrance, health and loving care to your life, it will be a completely different experience. 

The first one is self-loathing, driven by fear and focuses on lack and I guarantee depletes your life force. The second is loving, health and life-force building.

These two perspectives will certainly offer you a very different life experience. Which one will you choose for yourself?   

Magdalena xo