
Be your own medicine woman.

New clients often come to me when they feel completely frustrated and confused about their skin. They tell me that wherever they go seeking support they receive different and conflicting advice and every new attempt to seek help, simply adds to their skin care confusion.

We can probably agree that we live in a society/culture which strongly promotes seeking expert services/advice for literally everything.

There are obviously numerous benefits to having easy access to an array of specialists. However it is never desirable to hand over our decision making to someone else and to abandon the gift and importance of inner knowing, intuition and self knowledge.

If you don’t have a clear vision/desire of what you want your own health and beauty to express like, you’ll potentially end up chasing that of someone else. You will most likely feel dissatisfied with yourself, frustrated and often confused in the areas of health and beauty, not knowing what to do, what to use and so on.

The beauty of holding a clear vision for oneself and a willingness to step into the 'I’m master of my life’ position is that it comes with a sense of power, confidence and adventure as it opens us up to new possibilities. 

If I may, I’d like to make a suggestion that we start with an acknowledgement that life is a miracle and you were born in the body that’s perfect for you. It’s a body worth getting to know, and never to silence. You are the one who has the power to know it in the most intimate way and consequently to live in a harmonious way with it. 

So as much as seeking a guide or an expert is necessary at times, the most important thing that you can do for yourself right now is to become your own medicine woman, to be the boss of you:) And how do you do that? 

If you are not doing it yet, you may want to explore how to be more present with your body and yourself. Julie prepared a short video to help inspire you. It’s a snippet of an intuitive breath and self-massage sequence that she does to help ground herself and be more present. We hope that Julie sparks your interest and you will start your own daily sessions of ‘being with self’.  Let your breath and hands guide you!

When your body sends you signals through changes in the wellbeing of your skin (acne, redness, new wrinkles, sallowness…), acknowledge that you see and hear it loud and clear. Don’t judge it, don’t be frustrated with it, don’t be scared, don’t panic and don’t dismiss it! No good decision is ever made when we are in such a state of mind. 

How will you go about addressing what you see? Well, I’d say, first ‘be with self’ for a bit and sit with it. If you follow your intuition, it will look different for each individual.

Let’s say it is acne that your skin is expressing. One person may decide to immediately seek professional advice and they may be guided to a specific therapist. Another person may realize that their diet is an issue and they will commit to change. Yet another may become clear that emotional stress is flaring the acne and they need to meditate or contemplate regularly to help their mind and skin heal. 

This is why following advertising, doing what your friends do, or always searching for a new product to solve your problem doesn’t work.

The truth is that you are the key to your healing, not a product or a procedure. When you’re guided by your heart and your inner knowing and not the ‘outside noise’ you will always find that which will support you and build you and help you heal. Right products, right people and right information will simply show up on your path to help, when you are the boss of you! 

Love and light,

Magdalena & Julie

It begins with intention.

I think that everything that we do repeatedly and on a daily basis is worth looking at and reassessing from time to time. And this includes your skin care practice. 

There are physical aspects of skin care worth reassessing every once in a while, like: 

  1. How does my skin look and feel? Is it healthy?

  2. Do I enjoy using my current skin care products? And do I feel that they work for me?

  3. Do I have any new skin health concerns? If so, do I need support to address them or do I know exactly what to do?

  4. Am I devoting enough time to care for myself?

  5. Is there any room for improvement?

But there also are emotional aspects to our skin care practice and I would argue that they are actually more important than physical care.

Is the intention behind what you apply, why and how you apply, a conscious one? Or are you simply moving through the motions every morning and every night?  Is your practice self-loving, is it self-loathing or is it disconnected and robot-like?

These are simple questions that you may want to ask yourself. Being present and observing your self-talk while you go about your skin care routine or when you are wanting to purchase more or new skin care products is important. And it is the first step to overcoming potential self-destructive perceptions and becoming loving towards yourself.

I hope that we would all agree that intention behind whatever we do in life is very important. For example, giving generously to a charity because you wholeheartedly want to help fellow humans carries a very different energy from giving to a charity for the pure purpose of gaining respect and importance within the community. Exercising because you don’t want to be fat carries a very different energy from exercising because you want to be the healthiest you can be.

It is very much the same with skin care. If you buy and apply your products because you hate your skin, or are scared of getting older, you’ll probably keep on hating your skin and you’ll not only see it getting old but you’ll start feeling old.

If instead you chose to make a conscious decision to purchase and apply skin care products to add vibrance, health and loving care to your life, it will be a completely different experience. 

The first one is self-loathing, driven by fear and focuses on lack and I guarantee depletes your life force. The second is loving, health and life-force building.

These two perspectives will certainly offer you a very different life experience. Which one will you choose for yourself?   

Magdalena xo

Your Winter Skin

Winter is here in full swing, and your skin may be feeling dry, dehydrated, dull or it may be itchy. I’ve prepared some holistic skin care info and a few tips to help you ride the wave.

Before we get to remedies though, it will be helpful to understand that the words ‘dry’ and ‘dehydrated’ are often used interchangeably to describe the state of our skin. However they shouldn’t be because they mean two different things.

DEHYDRATED SKIN refers to the skin which lacks the proper moisture/water level. Dehydration often presents itself through fine lines, lack of elasticity or roughness of the skin. Anyone of any skin type can experience dehydration, even people with oily skin. It may be caused by a disrupted skin barrier and trans-epidermal water loss and/or general dehydration throughout the body.

DRY SKIN refers to the skin which does not produce a sufficient amount of oil / sebum. Skin dryness often presents itself through tightness, itchiness, lack of lustre, and the skin may feel like it lacks volume and is thin …  People on the dry skin type spectrum are most prone to dryness and are most likely to experience the symptoms which come with underproduction of sebum. Dryness can be aggravated by the elements / weather, an improper skin care routine, harsh products, a diet which is insufficient in good fats and poor digestive function.

Dryness and dehydration are also symptoms of our overall health and often come as a pair. Insufficient sebum production and/or a disrupted skin barrier will certainly lead to water loss and dehydration will set in.

During the cold months, your skin will thank you for implementing a regular dry skin brushing routine, followed by a shower or bath and full body oiling. Some prefer a slightly different routine (an Ayurvedic way) of body oiling followed by a shower or bath. I personally like to start with dry skin brushing. I love that invigorating feeling that a natural bristle brush provides and the lymphatic fluid movement it initiates. It is amazing to observe how quickly skin turns to softness when cared for this way.

All you'll need is a natural bristle brush, water and oil.

When you are ready to purchase your natural bristle brush make sure to choose a softer one if your skin is more delicate and sensitive. I like a lot of stimulation and the skin on my body can take it, so my brush has a bit more oomph to it. Always go with what feels right to you.

For both dry skin brushing and body oiling start at your feet and work your way up.

The best time for the body routine is in the morning. It will make you feel awake, bright and shiny. And oiling your body will create a sense of protection before you step out into the world. It’s a simple and lovely practice to include in your daily self-care, and your skin will feel like a baby’s bottom as a result.

*Make sure to include good fats in your diet too. Eat avocados, olive oil, flax seed oil, sunflower oil… ,  or for ease add a well-balanced OMEGA 3, 6 & 9 supplement like Udo's Oil which can be found at your health food store.

The skin on your face can feel uncomfortable and dry, and it can look a little dull during the winter months. Yet for some it can feel irritated and more red. It’s the wind and sudden changes of temperature - going in and outdoors, the indoor heating… . Extreme climate conditions make it somewhat tricky now to care for your skin, especially when your skin is delicate and sensitive.

Naturally, skin will benefit from more oil during cold months. So upping your application of face oil, face serum or balm is a good idea. This adjustment plus improved dietary intake of healthy fats should take care of replenishing oil and creating a more effective protective layer to shield your skin from harsh winter elements or indoor heating; assuming that you are not using any harsh products which keep disrupting the natural and vital skin barrier and your skin’s microflora. A good  example are sand like textured exfoliants or skin care products containing acids.

*Sipping on warm purified water throughout the day will help to rehydrate your body at the deeper levels and eventually you will see the benefits in your skin too. But be patient. Rome was not built in one day. Your body will replenish water where it needs it most first. Because your skin is not a primary organ as far as your survival goes it is not the first one in line for rehydration. So keep on sipping patiently:)

Sometimes, Face Mist followed by Face Oil or Face Balm does not feel like it’s enough. If you’ve never tried it before, you may want to experiment with a more complex layering of your products. What would that look like?

If you feel that dehydration is part of your concern, double misting with your Facial Mist is a great idea. How to double mist? Generously mist your cleansed face and press the mist with the palms of your hands into your skin. When it feels like your skin absorbed it, follow with another generous mist. Again press into the skin and follow with your Face Oil or Face Serum.

Warm up a few drops of Face Oil or Face Serum between the palms of your hands and press it gently into your skin.

Finish with applying a small amount of Face Balm. Now work your products into your skin and massage it gently as a final touch.

I can’t say it enough - oil cleansing is amazing, supports a healthy skin barrier and feeds beneficial micro-flora on your skin! You will find it very helpful especially during cold weather. If you are not doing it yet, please check it out. Here are the instructions to oil cleansing 


  • Don’t forget about your lips and make sure to moisturize them regularly.

  • If you don’t use eye care, now can be a good time to add it for extra softness and protection around your eyes.

  • A fresh avocado mask is simple and can be applied on a weekly basis to improve winter skin health.

  • You can exfoliate 1-2 times a week but with a very, very gentle non-invasive product only. Stripping of the skin = increased skin vulnerability, disruption of the natural skin barrier, increased trans-epidermal water loss and diminished skin health overall.

  • Marshmallow root infusion is excellent for dry winter skin and can be used in skin compressing. If you don’t have access to a good quality marshmallow root but would like to make infusions for compressing, let us know. We have plenty in our apothecary and can make it available to you:)

I trust that this will be a good start to taking care and improving your winter skin. Please let us know if you have any questions.

If you are experiencing complex skin challenges, make a note that I do offer skin care consultations and will be happy to provide insight, support and personalized recommendations. To book an appointment contact us at

Wishing you a lovely week,

Magdalena xo

Woman Divine Ritual

This collection is super close to my ❤️
The Woman Divine Ritual Collection was created as a legacy for my daughter Carollyne with the most precious ingredients. I crafted the collection as a wedding gift to her in the hope of helping her develop a strong connection to self and as an invitation to the inner journey of seeking the source of joy, peace and contentment.
I have often wished that someone had taught me years back that only by tending daily to our personal needs of mind, body and spirit, can we give freely to others and live a vibrant, clear life.
Each product in this collection has a meaning, a mindful purpose if you will. A beautiful affirmation has been created to amplify its action - all to help you develop a ritual, a self-loving practice, enhancing your life and your relationship with yourself and others.
May you embrace the power of Woman Divine which resides within you. May you draw upon strength of women who came before you and become a living example to those who will come after you.


Rose Petal and Milk Bath
I wash the day away. Every night before I go to sleep, I let go of all which no longer belongs with me. I float free in the cleansing water, sprinkled with rose and milk. My skin, my muscles, my entire body feels light and clear and my heart is soft - filled with gratitude. I feel pure, clear and light.
Precious Flowers Body Oil
I remember who I really am. Every morning, I anoint myself with oil to remember that I am an auspicious being. As I nourish my skin and awaken my body, I remember that I am worthy and good. I am already everything that I am seeking.
Meditation Drops
I sit in stillness. Every day I consciously sit in stillness. Silence emerges when tension, conflict and struggle fall away. I find myself listening to the sound of silence.
Breath Salts
I breathe in the moment. Whenever life is spinning a little bit too fast, I pause for a few seconds to observe the flow of my breath. When I own my breath, nobody can steal my peace.

May you live with mindful presence and find beauty in simplicity,
Magdalena .

Discover why knowing your face will make your life better.

I’ve been working with faces in my holistic skin care practice for the past twenty plus years and I know one thing for sure: most of us don’t understand our own face at all.

It’s a sad thing to realize since so much of our attention and effort goes into making our face and skin look its best.  We apply make up everyday, we moisturize and scrub and we get facials but we don’t take the time to actually understand our own face. In pursuit of beauty, we mostly treat our face as if it was one dimensional. 

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In my book, the face is the most fascinating part of ourselves and by getting to know it better, you can develop a more meaningful relationship with yourself and with your beauty.  One that is based on understanding and deeper self knowledge, not just an on-the-surface, one-dimensional interaction.

You see, your face is nothing short of magical. It’s like the universe of you or your very own, ever-evolving piece of art.  It registers and conveys your joys and sorrows, the state of your health and the level of vibrance of your energetic being. The fact is that your face is a great communicator. The question though is are you willing to listen?

Chinese medicine practitioners and Ayurvedic doctors can read your health like a book simply by analyzing your face. The science of Morphology and face reading has your personality all figured out by the shape of your facial features and markings. It’s amazing!

Of course, I’m not going to ask you to become an Ayurvedic doctor so you can read your face. However, there are a few simple yet profound face facts that everyone will benefit from knowing. Why? Simply because if you understand the workings of your face you will no longer look for solutions to your face/skin problems in the wrong places. You will also gain a deeper appreciation for the miracle of your body.

The state of your physical health is expressed in the quality and health of your skin.

This presents itself through changes in skin texture, temperature and colour. 

For example, a person with a tendency to facial redness and inflammation may be prone to excess heat in the body and tendency for inflammatory conditions of the body in general. An over-acidic stomach is often accompanied by redness in specific areas of the face. I see this with my clients all the time.

Congested skin which lacks luster, looks puffy and is cool to the touch often represents a body which is slow, sluggish and congested with poor lymphatic flow. 

Next time when you experience a flare up of acne or skin redness, take a moment to acknowledge its connection to the internal workings of your body. Your skin is talking. Don’t just try to shut it up by using suppressive skin care products. 

The majority of chronic skin problems need to be addressed from the inside and also supported topically with clean plant-based formulas. No skin care product alone will fix your hormonal imbalance or your digestive issues. So please know the limitation of your skin care product and respond to your body’s signals by addressing the root causes. It will save you a lot of money and time that you spend searching for that perfect skin care product.

The state of your emotional health is expressed through patterns of tension in facial muscles and other tissues.

Lines and wrinkles, sad face, happy face… It is true that emotions which you are most attached to are written all over your face. 

There are a few really smart people out there who have devoted their life’s work to this subject. Dr Paul Ekman is my absolute guru when it comes to the relationship between emotions and the engagement of corresponding facial muscles.

 The gist of it is that every single person engages exactly the same facial muscles to express the same emotion. It doesn’t matter if you are from Paris, New York or a little town somewhere in Africa, when you are angry it shows up in your face in the same way. Of course there is nothing wrong with expressing emotions. The problem arises when you get attached to a particular emotion and feel it over and over. 

Let’s say that you feel very sad and disappointed in yourself, your partner or life in general. You are feeling this way not for a week or two but for the past year or maybe five years… as you know this is not uncommon. Some people feel sad and disappointed about something throughout their whole life.

The depressor anguli oris muscle is engaged in expressing this particular emotion. It runs vertically on each side of your mouth. 

If you are feeling sad and disappointed a lot, eventually this muscle becomes chronically tense. As a consequence a few things will happen: restricted flow of vital fluids (blood and lymph) which will contribute to the lack of proper tissue nourishment and accelerated aging, facial symmetry may be disturbed (more tension on one side than the other) and your lip corners will be turning down and that fixed unhappy look becomes a reality… The ‘marionette’ lines are the consequence of chronic contraction of this muscle.

To sum it up, your body, your thoughts and your feelings are all interconnected. In fact, the pattern of muscle tensions in your face is always involved in determining your emotional state. 

If you don’t like the look that you are seeing on your face lately you may want to spend some time with how you are feeling on the inside. It’s amazing how happiness and internal contentment will immediately light up your face.  And don’t be hard on yourself. We are all a work in progress.

Your sacred face

There also is a sacred aspect to your face and head. This is the seat of the vital energy points. In Ayurveda these are called marma points and in Chinese medicine acupoints.

These points are located all over the body (we have a few important ones on our face and head) at anatomical sites where veins, arteries, tendons, bones or joints intersect. They are also said to be the points of connection between our physical and the subtle energetic bodies. These points are connected to specific organs and sights of the body. For example the marma points located on the scalp are connected to the brain and also to the other organs.  

Ayurveda says that, through skilled marma point stimulation we can have an impact on hormonal balance, eye, ear and nose health, emotional balance, memory function, we can relieve headaches and strengthen general vitality of the person. These are just a few examples.

What I have observed in my work is that, through working with the face, people can experience not only states of deep relaxation but also safety and a deep sense of wellness. 

If mindfully acknowledged, the face can also be understood as the entry point or a gateway to deeper self knowledge, the starting point of communication with self.  

As a skin and facial therapist whose practice is devoted solely to treatments of the face I can wholeheartedly say that receiving a deeply nurturing face treatment is a powerful medicine both for you and your skin. The effects of such treatments can be seen on the outside and are definitely felt deep within. 

Now that you are a little bit more familiar with the true nature of your face, please, spend time with it. Touch it. Observe it. Not with your critical eye but with the an eye of wonder and exploration. 

Before you book your next facial and let someone else touch your face, make sure that they too see its magic. Don’t be shy to ask questions to make sure that they are well trained in the holistic arts of face work and that they understand the complexity and dynamic nature of your face. 


What's the worst skin care mistake women make?


What's the worst skin care mistake women make?  We see articles with titles like this, we read and learn that too much cleansing or too much scrubbing is bad for us or that we must drink more water to have a glowing skin... At the end of the day this kind of info doesn't really change a thing or very little. And even though there are millions of articles on the subject of skin care and the never ending supply of skin care information online, a lot of the time women still don't care for their skin properly.

So I was thinking, what is really the worst skin care mistake women make? This is what I  think, We've stopped observing and listening to our skin and have replaced our internal knowing, our wisdom with suggestions from advertising, tv commercials or sales people...The truth is that no one knows your skin like you do. So please, listen to you. Spend time looking at and touching your skin. How is it when you first wake up? Look at the colour and texture. Is it cold or hot?... It will tell you what it needs. Every relationship requires care and presence... Don't just slap stuff on mindlessly... Your skin deserves better. Yes, you will need guidance from time to time but on daily basis, your skin depends on you. So to wrap this up, I believe that the worst skin care mistake women can make is to leave it completely to others and to never develop confidence in their own relationship with their skin and their body.
