
What makes us who we are.

Not so long ago, I have realized that my connection to nature and love of health and simplicity began with the long summers spent at my grandpa’s farm. 

Today, I know that those days filled with the smell of hay, fields of wheat and rye, plum picking right off the trees and pulling carrots out of the ground were so formative yet I almost missed noticing that.


I loved spending time at grandpa’s. He was kind and gentle, very much like my mom. 

Grandpa practiced organic farming although at that time nobody called it organic. 

He lived a simple, honest life and I loved him very much.

I felt very free while there. Maybe it was because even as a little girl I could wander around all by myself through what at the time felt like vast fields, I would sing made up songs to the cows as I looked into their big beautiful eyes. Yes, I did:)  And maybe because I watched baby animals being born and then sometimes I watched the animals die. 

And then there was that freshness in the air and food tasted so real and pure and full of flavour and at night silence sounded beautiful and the sky was covered with the stars. 

I watched plants being seeded, witnessed them sprout from the ground and grow and then there was the harvest time and what was harvested was food.

Thanks to my childhood experiences, I have always had a very strong connection to the animals and plants. 

I have always felt the most comfortable when I can stand barefoot on the ground. I guess there is a bit of the peasant girl in me and I absolutely love her.

She is the part of me that can recognize beauty in plants and herbs and all living beings. She is the part of me that wants to tell the world about eating healthy food, about treating all animals as sentient beings that they are.

She also gets the cycle of life and death, and knows that living with cycles of nature is a key to being healthy and happy.

Simple, honest and healthy life is how I like to live. I may have had moments of confusion in my adult life but I always come back to simple, honest and healthy:)

My work and my products are infused with these qualities. My business is driven by the vision of life in harmony, life which supports the earth and each being on the planet. Life which recognizes that we need nature to survive and that we are here just for a brief moment. May we live life fully and respectfully and in community with beauty that surrounds us.