organic vegetables

Why you want to eat organic food and drink purified water.

The saying goes: the fish is as healthy as the water it swims in. We have difficulty transferring the essence of this fundamental wisdom of nature to our experience of life.


I can share with you that in my own life, over the years, I have been often referred to as granola, overly sensitive, paranoid…  by people that I know or even by my own family members for my choice to eat organic vegetarian food and for purifying my water before drinking it. To tell the truth at times I felt lonely in my pursuit and during my visits with family both in Poland and in Canada I felt pressured (by well meaning people) to step off the path and join the party. There were times when I gave in and there were times when I stood strong.

Today, as a mature human I no longer succumb to outside pressures and I just do my thing. A good water filter stands in my kitchen and I use only filtered water for both drinking and cooking and I shop for my food at the health food store and from local organic farmers in season.

Yes, it is expensive if I compare my grocery bill to a potential grocery bill from Walmart or Costco but when we look at it closely it may be not so.

Let’s go back to the fish and its health depending on the health of the water it swims in. No person in their right mind would argue this! So why are we so bent on defending pesticide and herbicide sprayed food and why are we willing to ingest it and feed it to our children? Seriously, why?

Corporate agriculture has removed the human and human health from nature’s web of support which it readily provides. 

Monoculture and fields of soy, corn… are not the natural way life grows in the soil of this planet that we call home. This in itself creates major problems for our health and future food supply. 

Diversity is key in creating a healthy environment. Naturally a multitude of plant varieties choose to live close together for mutual support and vitality and at the same they attract other creatures of nature to commune with them. This is when life flourishes!

Lack of diversity spells trouble from the get go. Monoculture introduced by corporate agriculture is destroying our world. Literally! Because growing the same individual plant on the same piece of land year after year is completely unnatural. Problems with pests and unwanted weeds follow. As a remedy toxic pesticides and herbicides are used on crops which then permeate the soil and enter and poison our water systems. And of course genetically modified seeds are created in the lab so they can resist and survive all the poison that is sprayed on them.

Genetically modifying seed is so prevalent today that even some organic foods come from the GMO seed.

The assault of corporate agriculture (and it is an assault) on our soil and food results in a completely depleted soil, void of vital micro-elements and micro-nutrients, nutrient-void food and general destruction of life supporting ecosystems. Our soil, water and air have been poisoned to the degree where we can no longer escape from it and our bodies and minds are feeling it. We have now become like that fish that lives in a very unhealthy water. 

This is a very sad state of affairs for humanity and for those of us who honour the sanctity of nature’s creation and design and believe in human life as an integral part of nature. 

I can tell you that at times I feel a complete lack of hope. But then I look at all the young people: I look at my daughter and her baby and I get energized to act and to know that I can never give up.


So what can we do to transform this mess into a thriving, health-supporting, loving planet again?


  • Stop shopping for convenience and instead shop for a better future.

  • Buy food from organic growers. Because it offers high nutritional value, you will need less. Organic growers work hard, understand and support biodiversity. They are the true keepers of healthy soil, healthy plants and healthy humans.

  • Shop local as much as you can. Small organic growers in your area need your support. The more we buy, the more they grow and hopefully organic food one day can become accessible to everyone.

  • Never waste food. Compost what you can and feed your garden soil or your potted plants with it.

  • Filter your water before you drink or cook with it.

  • If possible put a filtration system on your home water (I am still working on it)

  • Don’t waste water. Use a cup of water to brush your teeth… don’t let the tap run like crazy while you do it.

  • Don’t spray your lawn for God’s sake! It makes your grass ‘perfect’ but it’s poison.

  • Read, educate yourself and find likeminded people. Always stronger together:)

  • Talk to plants:) Hug trees:)

  • Always remember that how you choose to live actually makes a difference.


Look, these are simple suggestions and I know that my explanations are also simplistic but I trust that you’ll get it.

If you are interested to deepen your knowledge on this subject you can find tons of info online.

I believe that this is a very urgent matter. As we are seeing government and corporate consolidation taking place right in front of our eyes, one thing becomes clear - we are on our own! People in power are looking out for other people in power. Corporate greed rules and the well-being of humanity is at the bottom of the list. If you think that what I’m saying is nonsense please take a moment and explain to me why our governing bodies support the use of glyphosate in our food growing practices and forestry? Even though Monsanto (now Bayer) have been ordered by courts to pay out billions for causing cancer, Health Canada still says that it is ok to use it. 

If this doesn’t speak to you, then I wish you good luck. You are a free being after all.

For those of us who see what’s taking place, we’ve got lots of work to do people. Don’t just sit and watch. Do whatever you can!  You are more powerful than you know!

Few Resources For Ottawa Area

Certified Organic Farms in Ottawa

Bryson Farms

Funny Duck Farms

Ferme Chapeau Melon

Ferme Lève-tôt

Juniper Farm

Roots and Shoots Farm

Ferme Aux Pleines Saveurs

Our Little Farm

Bluegrass Farm

Fair Sun Farm

Pleine Lune Farm

Roam Flora

Roam Flora grows beautiful flowers without harmful chemicals.

People who inspire me

Dr. Vandana Shiva - an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate.

Dr. Zach Bush - a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems.

Water Filter

Berkey Water


Love and Light,
