relaxing bath

The cold weather is here, what does that mean for your skin?

When the weather gets cold everything constricts in a protective response. Exposure to low temperatures stimulates cold receptors of the skin and puts the sympathetic nervous system into action. Sympathetic stimulation causes vascular constriction in your skin, arms and legs and all energy goes towards delivering blood where oxygen is most needed during this fight or flight response. Skin becomes of secondary importance when you are exposed to very cold temperatures. Thus always bundle up and keep your skin and body warm.

Many people experience skin dryness, dehydration and sensitivity during cold months. And as if cold weather was not enough, our body needs to constantly adjust between the exposure to the drying indoor heating and the outdoor cold temperatures often accompanied by equally cold winds.

As a result of this temperature roller-coster and cold constricted tissues, your skin produces less sebum, becomes tighter, dryer and has difficulty to retain moisture. It also has difficulty absorbing what you apply to it.
Even though your body as a whole adjusts to cold temperatures and with time can cope better, cold temperatures continue to present your skin with challenges throughout the season.

Applying heavier, more protective and deeply moisturizing products is definitely the way to go during the Canadian fall/winter. But when skin is tight and dry and has a hard time holding on to moisture it is important to know how to practice your skin care in the most effective way.

So what can you do to help the skin healing botanical formulas absorb as intended and have the greatest impact on the health of your skin during the cold season?

Keeping the skin barrier healthy and intact is a no brainer. If your skin’s  protective layer is compromised how can your skin thrive? Oil cleansing offers a perfect support for healthy skin barrier. Do not use any harsh products which strip the skin and disturb its precious microflora: No harsh drying foaming cleansers, no sharp grainy exfoliants, no acid peals, no resurfacing treatments… . I know there are different opinions out there and this is mine based on the holistic approach to life and skin care.

Warm purified water compressing, to increase blood flow, relax, soften, hydrate and open pores for better absorption of serums, oils and balms.

Adding skin hydrating, softening and soothing herbal infusions to your facial compressing like: marshmallow, burdock, calendula and lavender.

Adding heavier more protective face products to your skin care practice such as face balms.

When needed adding a very gentle exfoliation to assist with dead skin cell shedding.

Adding a weekly skin softening, soothing facial mask (WD facial mask coming soon)

Dry skin brushing your body to stimulate lymph flow and sebaceous gland function. This way your body will produce more of its natural moisturizer - sebum. Use a natural bristle brush only. Choose soft bristles if you have sensitive skin.

Taking relaxing warm baths in purified water enriched with herbal infusions and/or essential oils. Marshmallow, calendula, oats, lavender... made into a strong infusion and added to bath water are great. When your body feels warm and relaxed and skin pores are open you will benefit greatly from the healing properties of botanicals which you choose. You can add your favourite essential oils to the mix, first blending them into a bit of a lipid oil like almond, olive or camellia … and then dropping them into the bath water.

Face and body massage (now is the time to visit a massage therapist who works with warm oils, long relaxing and warming strokes.
It is wonderful to know how to take care of ourselves but it is very important from time to time to simply lie down and receive care from an attentive therapist.

And last but not least, skin health also starts from within! So strive to feed your body the best you can. Pay attention to your stress levels and mental health. Sometimes we get so busy, so wound up that we don’t even notice a downward spiral. Make time to meditate and stretch and breath and most of all know that you are worthy and the world needs you to shine the brightest you can.

Love and Light,

Magdalena xo