
Be your own medicine woman.

New clients often come to me when they feel completely frustrated and confused about their skin. They tell me that wherever they go seeking support they receive different and conflicting advice and every new attempt to seek help, simply adds to their skin care confusion.

We can probably agree that we live in a society/culture which strongly promotes seeking expert services/advice for literally everything.

There are obviously numerous benefits to having easy access to an array of specialists. However it is never desirable to hand over our decision making to someone else and to abandon the gift and importance of inner knowing, intuition and self knowledge.

If you don’t have a clear vision/desire of what you want your own health and beauty to express like, you’ll potentially end up chasing that of someone else. You will most likely feel dissatisfied with yourself, frustrated and often confused in the areas of health and beauty, not knowing what to do, what to use and so on.

The beauty of holding a clear vision for oneself and a willingness to step into the 'I’m master of my life’ position is that it comes with a sense of power, confidence and adventure as it opens us up to new possibilities. 

If I may, I’d like to make a suggestion that we start with an acknowledgement that life is a miracle and you were born in the body that’s perfect for you. It’s a body worth getting to know, and never to silence. You are the one who has the power to know it in the most intimate way and consequently to live in a harmonious way with it. 

So as much as seeking a guide or an expert is necessary at times, the most important thing that you can do for yourself right now is to become your own medicine woman, to be the boss of you:) And how do you do that? 

If you are not doing it yet, you may want to explore how to be more present with your body and yourself. Julie prepared a short video to help inspire you. It’s a snippet of an intuitive breath and self-massage sequence that she does to help ground herself and be more present. We hope that Julie sparks your interest and you will start your own daily sessions of ‘being with self’.  Let your breath and hands guide you!

When your body sends you signals through changes in the wellbeing of your skin (acne, redness, new wrinkles, sallowness…), acknowledge that you see and hear it loud and clear. Don’t judge it, don’t be frustrated with it, don’t be scared, don’t panic and don’t dismiss it! No good decision is ever made when we are in such a state of mind. 

How will you go about addressing what you see? Well, I’d say, first ‘be with self’ for a bit and sit with it. If you follow your intuition, it will look different for each individual.

Let’s say it is acne that your skin is expressing. One person may decide to immediately seek professional advice and they may be guided to a specific therapist. Another person may realize that their diet is an issue and they will commit to change. Yet another may become clear that emotional stress is flaring the acne and they need to meditate or contemplate regularly to help their mind and skin heal. 

This is why following advertising, doing what your friends do, or always searching for a new product to solve your problem doesn’t work.

The truth is that you are the key to your healing, not a product or a procedure. When you’re guided by your heart and your inner knowing and not the ‘outside noise’ you will always find that which will support you and build you and help you heal. Right products, right people and right information will simply show up on your path to help, when you are the boss of you! 

Love and light,

Magdalena & Julie