woman divine ottawa

I sit in stillness.

Every day I consciously sit in stillness. Silence emerges when tension, conflict and struggle fall away. I find myself listening to the sound of silence. 

A daily grounding practice for 2024 anyone?

This is an invitation to introduce quiet moments into your busy life.
Thoughts are things. And mindfully selected affirmations repeated with conviction are powerful tools for creating a life you desire.

The ritual of anointing the third eye area helps to balance the third eye chakra, helps to focus and prepares for a meditation practice. @womandivineskincare Meditation Drops can also be applied simply as a reminder to pause and take a conscious breath.

I blended organic essential oils of sandalwood, myrrh and frankincense in a base of jojoba in WD Meditation Drops. Sacred oils for a sacred practice.

Many blessings for 2024!

Why Woman Divine Skin Care products?

Few days ago I got to read a blog post by Girl Crush a Toronto based beauty blog. It made me supper happy because it features one of my lovely clients Caitiln and she shares why she choses to use Woman Divine Skin Care products. I am so fortunate to work with women who totally get what I do! I am grateful for each and everyone of you!

Here goes the post by Gillian Barker of Girl Crush




 “Skincare! Makeup is second for me. I prefer not to wear a ton of makeup, so I would say my time, money and effort is on the skincare side, because if I can get through my day and feel confident without makeup then you know… that’s the dream!”


“I’m someone who suffered from mild acne as a teen and all through my university years… I had tried Proactive and that dried out my skin until it was like a desert, it was painful!”

Caitlin explains that after graduating from university she found that she had the time and money to invest in herself and her skin. She stumbled upon a facial therapist through a recommendation on social media, and has never looked back. She says, “It was like this was fate, we were supposed to meet!”

“I completely switched my routine! What was probably 10 different steps, where I had no idea what I was doing - I was using everything under the sun hoping it would somehow give me great skin”. Now Caitlin has a much more focused and simplified skincare routine that utilizes apothecary products from a local skincare line that her facial therapist created - called Woman Divine.

Read the full post HERE


It is surprising to me how many people still believe that BEAUTY is a vanity issue and a frivolous pursuit. And then I think, but of course, they understand BEAUTY completely different than I do, different than my holistically inclined fellow humans.


Ayurveda says that BEAUTY is the highest level of health (oh, how I love this!). The person who is glowing with vitality and radiance is beautiful. This has nothing to do with the surface coverups but rather is all about transformation through self-discipline, self-love and mindful living.

BEAUTY in holistic realm reflects the QUALITY of LIFE. It is about making conscious choices every day in regards to food we eat, the thoughts we entertain, the exercise and movement... and of course our skin care and self care practices. It is a commitment to oneself and to life itself.

When you go about beauty in the holistic way, you soon discover that it is liberating and that there is no need to chase after trends any more. The whole world can be running after the latest and the greatest and you are chill. Trends come and go and you are doing your own thing every day and your pursuit of BEAUTY has actually been transforming you and your life in the most wonderful and meaningful ways.

Thank you for reading,


Your emotional skin.

Our emotions and our skin are closely related. Our skin is actually a highly sensitive responder to emotions and it often reminds us that mind and body are one😀


Think no further then the last time you felt very embarrassed and your face turned red, or when you felt fear and your skin become pale. And how about that happiness and internal bliss glow?

Clients often share that stress in their life causes flare ups of eczema, rosacea or acne... As much as skin disease can mean viruses, inflammation, bacteria, when we are experiencing a persistent skin condition, emotional component is usually part of the experience. Given close bond between our skin and the nervous system this should be of no surprise.

In short you can say that your skin ‘feels’ for you the very emotions which you choose not to express. It cries, it gets inflamed with anger and it remembers traumatic experiences which took place years back but were never addressed. In a long run, sweeping under the rug never really works ...not even in skincare.

So if you feel that your skin is giving you a hard time and you know that you have done everything you can to help it heal, including proper diet, exercise, good skin care regimen, then it maybe time to examine, how your emotions are contributing to the problem. ...

Magdalena xo

Wrinkles on my face.

I am personally very intrigued by the psychology of wrinkles. From the physiological perspective there are numerous causes of facial wrinkles and there are also different types of wrinkles that you will find on your face. Some are very superficial some deep, some are very deep. It is the deep and very deep ones that I take special interest in.


As my own body and face are experiencing changes which come with living long enough to notice physical disintegration, crystallization and fixed patterns of tension, I am even more interested simply because I want to understand myself and life expressing through the body I occupy:)

Deep wrinkles are formed deep in the tissues. You see them on the surface and you may think it’s your skin but actually your skin is just expressing the state of tension present in the connective tissue and your muscles. You can apply all the creams in the world and you will not see a difference with this type of wrinkle (unless the cream contains peptides which have a similar effect on the muscle as botox does). 

We know it is tension in deeper layers of facial tissues and we could approach it from the physical perspective. Right away face massage comes to mind as a great remedy.  But the question to ask is why did the tension build up in these tissues in the first place? The answer will come from beyond the physical. It will also reveal why you may dislike what you see in the mirror. It really is not the wrinkle itself that you don’t like, it’s what it represents, it’s what message it holds within its tight fold that you’d rather not see, that you’d rather be not reminded of.

As mind and body are forever working together and what you feel on the emotional level always finds expression in your physical being. Furrowed brows, raised foreheads, tight lips with lines all around are actually thought patterns which have been playing in your mind over and over again. They represent sadness, frustration, anger, dissatisfaction….

If you are a happy joyful being, you may have ‘happy wrinkles’ around your eyes, the laugh lines may have formed… I bet if that’s you, you are not bothered by your lines at all. 

So what to do when you are not happy with what you see?  Recognizing the connection between thought, emotion and their expression in the physical body is essential. This way you acknowledge that you are actually the creator and not the victim. Spend time daily, touching your face lovingly and kindly and know that it maybe be holding a lot of your pains and worries. Messages it holds are here to help you, not to bring you down. Take moments to breath as you gently rest the palm of your hands on your face.

This will be a wonderful beginning to a fresh relationship with your face and yourself. If you feel inspired to explore more contact me.

Many blessings, Magdalena

What's the worst skin care mistake women make?


What's the worst skin care mistake women make?  We see articles with titles like this, we read and learn that too much cleansing or too much scrubbing is bad for us or that we must drink more water to have a glowing skin... At the end of the day this kind of info doesn't really change a thing or very little. And even though there are millions of articles on the subject of skin care and the never ending supply of skin care information online, a lot of the time women still don't care for their skin properly.

So I was thinking, what is really the worst skin care mistake women make? This is what I  think, We've stopped observing and listening to our skin and have replaced our internal knowing, our wisdom with suggestions from advertising, tv commercials or sales people...The truth is that no one knows your skin like you do. So please, listen to you. Spend time looking at and touching your skin. How is it when you first wake up? Look at the colour and texture. Is it cold or hot?... It will tell you what it needs. Every relationship requires care and presence... Don't just slap stuff on mindlessly... Your skin deserves better. Yes, you will need guidance from time to time but on daily basis, your skin depends on you. So to wrap this up, I believe that the worst skin care mistake women can make is to leave it completely to others and to never develop confidence in their own relationship with their skin and their body.
